01 October 2007

My Back!!!

Well I have had a very tiring weekend. On Saturday we had my grandparents come over with their car (which has a tow bar) and hired a trailer and removed the mounds of excess dirt and stuff from our backyard and took it down to the tip. This mean most of my day was spent digging, and be live me, my back certainly knew it the next day.

On Saturday night we went to my parents place for dinner (after a day of digging, plus starting to assemble our new barbecue later in the afternoon).

On Sunday I finished putting the barbie together in the morning, and then we went out for lunch with my grandparents to the Glenroy R.S.L. - Good old seniors meals, but actually rather nice. I had roast beef and vegies, then chocolate pavlova for desert.

Then Sunday night we went to Seans parents for dinner. So the weekend finished, and I don't feel like I have had any rest time at all this weekend.

Over the Melbourne Cup weekend we are going down to my grandparents caravan at Ocean Grove, so that should be nice and relaxing. It only 3 days, but I am sure I will feel recharged after that (though I do fear that if I suddenly go into relaxing mode I will come down sick)!

1 comment:

Zoya said...

A barbecue hey. Well looks like I'll be coming over for a barbie some time!
