22 February 2007


Had final walk through on Tuesday which went well. It was different to I thought, as it was not really a walk through and pick out the defects sort of thing. Apparently the building supervisor and one of the directors from the building company each do a walk through prior to handover to pick out defects.

There are still a few small details that need to be finished though before handover, including painting a window ledge that was never painted, some skirting boards in one spot, plus tidying up the plaster around some of the cabinetry.

The hot water system and over are installed the morning of handover (handover is not til 3pm).

I am talking just under 2 weeks off work for the move (I will leave early on Tuesday 27th Feb and not return til Tuesday 13th March).

When I get back to work I am doing system coordinator for 2 days a week, and my normal job for the remaining 3 days, as our systems coordinator is currently the acting manager, library services. It should provide me with some good experience, plus I am doing the roll out of a new print/copy credit management system to all the libraries.

If you need to contact me while I am on leave, just call me on my mobile (probably won't be checking my email that often for the first week or two, depending on when I get the Internet connected up). I will forward my new address and home phone to everyone soon.

Tomorrow Sean is going in to have all 4 wisdom teeth removed, so hopefully that will go well and he won't be sore for too long.

Anyway, better go.


15 February 2007

Only 2 Weeks To Go

Well, there is now just under 2 weeks to go before I move. So far everything seems to be running smoothly. We have organised the couches, sofa bed, and electrical (fridge, diswasher, washing machine ect.) to be delivered the day after handover. To pick up the remaining bulky items (dining setting/entertainment unit/bedroom suite) we are looking at hiring the Thrifty moving van hopefully on the Thursday.

The Friday before the move (which is on a Tuesday) Sean has to go into hospital to have all 4 of his wisdom teeth removed, as they have become impacted and have been causing him some pain. The upside of this is he may still be drugged up during the move - which will prevent him becoming a total stress head.

Most of our things are now packed, apart from what we need for general day to day living. As Sean most likely won't be well next weekend, we are going to pack as much as what is left this weekend as we can, and prepare which boxes we are going to take with us to survive night one in the house.

The hot water system and oven are yet to be installed in the house (it will have to be done by the end of the week as final inspection is on Tuesday). All of our neighbours have gone with the standard polished concrete flooring option, so this week they have had the resin finish put on their flooring. I think it looks absolutely horrible and am so happy we upgraded to the floorboards.

Anyway better go. I will try and get another post in just before the move, then it may go quiet for a while, as I won't have Internet access at home straight away, and I am taking 2 weeks of work for the move (I will be on leave from 2pm Tuesday Feb 27 and will return to work on Tuesday March 13).
