Hitting the Ceiling
There is now finally a roof on the house. Brickwork apart from a small section in the patio garden is now complete, and most of the guttering is on. I went for a look yesterday afternoon cause I finished work as Sydenham as I had a site visit to the new library, which is almost finished.
I would have photos to show you, but the battery in my digital camera died, so I will see if I can get some batteries today and will go out and take photos on the weekend.
It looks extremely different inside now with a roof on - it actually feels a little eerie!
I attended a change management session for work yesterday. It was funny, all these people talking about little changes, and there was I who has changed relationship status, jobs twice, and soon to change address - I think I may know how to manage with change from practice now!
Went a watched The Devil Wears Prada on Friday night. I was a little disappointed. It had really good characters but was really lacking in story. There was really no goal through out the film which made it feel like it dragged. As soon as the movie started you figured Meryl Streep was a b!tch, and when it finished you still though she was a b!tch. What also gets me is they only played 2 trailers before the film, and both were for kids movies! What is the point of going to the cinemas these days?
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