21 May 2008

Do I act like a 12 year old?

Went and had a 'health appraisal' done at work today, which in a way I was dreading what the results would be... but all came back good:

Blood Pressure: 124/80 - which is in the normal range
Cholesterol: 4.14 - in the normal range... never had cholesterol checked before
Blood Glucose: 4.6 (perfect)
BMI: 16 - Underweight... always am and can't change it!
Body Fat: 5% - once again classed as underweight
Bone Mass: 2.6 kg
Visceral fat: 1 - healthy
Lean muscle mass: 47.9 kg
Metabolic Rate: 1471 Kcal
Metabolic age: 12 years
Water containment: 66.4% - good for water restrictions!

So for those who are waiting for a good funeral hoping I was going to kick the bucket... better find something else to do cause it's going to be a while before I expire!

17 May 2008

New Brimbank Libraries Website

Well after almost 6 months in development, we are entering the home stretch with creating and launching the new Brimbank Libraries website. While we continue to improve and spit-polish features behind the scenes, a 'copy' of the new site is available for people to take for a test drive. This can be accessed from our Development Blog at http://development.brimbanklibraries.com where you can also read the latest on some of the new features we will be introducing into the new site, as well as comment on what you like, don't like, and what is completely fu#*ed up with the new site.

The new site is made in Joomla! which is an open source content management system. It was a real big learning curve at first to understand the architecture of Joomla, and how it does things differently to the current proprietary product that we use.

The advantages with Joomla include:
Its open source.. so it's free, and is constantly being updated and improved by a community of developers.
There are hundreds of 'extensions' you can plug into the website to add additional functionality to meet the needs of your audience
If there isn't an extension that does what you want, there is nothing to stop you from making your own extension from scratch, or hacking an existing extension to bits and tweaking it to your needs.
It has a very friendly 'front end' editing system to allow staff to easily update the content of web pages without needing to know any html.
Did I mention it's free!

Some of the new flashy features of the new site include:

  • A book blog that is fully integrated into the website... unlike most libraries which have an external book blog that sits completely separate to their site.
  • Use of web 2.0 tools such as del.icio.us for bookmark/weblink sharing, instant messaging, Google Calendars, ect.
  • Google maps... cool to look at and play with!
  • Less clutter! over the years the old website was filled with garbage left right and centre, the new website means we have been able to strip everything back, and refile the bits that are worth keeping, in what is hopefully a more logical order
  • Integration of RSS Feeds so you can get the latest library news in your RSS aggregator like Google Reader or Bloglines.

The new site is due to be launched mid June, so if you have a chance, log in and take the demo for a test drive and let us know what you think... and more importantly any bugs you may come across!
