16 June 2007


Well it has been a while since I have written an update, so I thought I should post one.

Last Sunday Sean and I took my grandparents up to Cobram to see my new niece. Nice little thing (for a baby). She doesn't have much of a nose though.. it looks more like a pig snout. I forgot to take my digital camera, so I don't have any photos to share.

Didn't mention that a couple of weeks ago I went and saw Pirates of the Caribbean 3. I haven't seen the first pirates film yet, but have seen number 2 and enjoyed it. The third film was ok, but it was a bit like the final Lord of the Rings film though, where the ending just dragged on. The special effects were really good, so as an effects movie it was outstanding.

The film followed the journey to worlds end to bring Captain Jack back from the dead, to ralley all the pirate lords togeather to stand up and fight the baddies who were attempting to wipe out all pirates.
Not much exciting in the trailers before the film. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix looks good - even though it sucked as a book I am sure it will be really good as a film.

02 June 2007

Curious minds... [Flickr Pic]

Curious minds...
Originally uploaded by young_einstein

This is one of my favourite photos on Flickr. It is a couple of ducks and was taken by a Caroline Springs resident in Caroline Springs.

I have started playing around and uploading a lot of my photos to Flickr (which you can see on the right hand side of the blog), so I thought I might start sharing some other cool photos I find on Flickr here.