Well, it has been one full week since my last entry, so I thought I had better put something in. It has been a pretty busy week at work, and I can not see myself getting through everything I have to do before I finish on September 22nd.
We have had another setback with the house this week. The Island bench we wanted for the kitchen that the builder said they could do when we were buying the house has now turned around and say they can not do it for our model. They were going to charge us around $1,500 for it, so I have been getting pricing from other kitchen companies, and so far it looks like we will be paying around $1,100 to have it done by another company - which worked out better for us.
Windows were delivered to the house the other day, but were not installed as of Tuesday - we will be going to the block on the weekend, so hopefully the windows will be installed and we will be slowly creeping closer to lockup (I'll post photos next week).
Apart from the above, it really has been a week of all work and no play, so I'm feeling pretty exhausted and looking forward to at least one sleep in on the weekend.
Pretty easy weekend, tomorrow morning we have to take Seans car in for a service, but apart from that we have no major plans. My Grandparents, Mum, and Sister are off to Queensland at the end of next week, so we will go and visit Grandma and Grandpa on the weekend to see them before they go.
Thats all from me!